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Following the cyberattack, executives appreciated the strategic value of investments in cybersecurity, not only for mitigating risk or minimizing damage but for strengthening the core strategic capabilities of. Strategic Investments I Inc is an investment advisor. Financial Services. Asset Management. 1585 Broadway New York, NY. 'MIT enables us to work at our best. They are true long-term investors. They develop the confidence to invest with us over the long term much as we do with the companies in which we invest: through. Market volatility, increasing taxation, and a low interest rate environment have made it unlikely that the strategies of old will lead to your success in the future. Whether planning for retirement, maximizing your family legacy, saving for college or some other financial goal, the times have changed. At Strategic Investment. Strategic Investment is published by Gold and Energy Options Trader, LLC. As a publisher of a financial newsletter of general and regular circulation, we cannot tender individual investment advice. Only a registered broker or investment advisor may advise you individually on the suitability and performance of your portfolio or specific investments.

James Dale Davidson, world-renowned author, political, and investment analyst, who predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, Donald Trump’s presidency and dozens of other major economic events is now predicting a landslide of disastrous political and economic events ahead that will financially devastate tens of millions of American families as the coming World Order status-quo collapses.

The good news is while most people get crushed by the collapse of the existing World Order James Davidson wants to help you rack-up profits of as much as 4,100%, again and again.*

James wants to make sure you don’t miss a single buy, or sell recommendation that he makes. Because if you do you could miss out on turning your nest-egg into a multi-million dollar fortune.

Dear Friend,

4,100%... it was a staggering gain and James Davidson saw it coming head on. He alerted his Strategic Investment subscribers about this huge market shift along with how his subscribers could best cash in on what was coming. The net result: a 41 to 1 investment windfall!*

Thistremendous gain came about because while much of theworld viewed Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign as a distraction or asideshow, a man whose connections run deep in Washington knew better.

Heknew Trump would win. And, he knew the exact investment that would generatebreathtaking profits the morning after Trump won.

That’sthe morning his readers cashed in 4,100%... $5,000 instantly became $205,000.

I amwriting to you today because you are a serious investor who should immediately subscribe to James Dale Davidson’sStrategic Investment newsletter.

Like many of James Davidson's predictions, this one leads ultimately to a 4,100%gain.

Infact, throughout his long and esteemed career, it’s seemed as if James had adirect line to the future with forecasts that generated gains way beyond thepedestrian.

Thisremarkable talent for spotting investable trends first is also what led hisfollowers to cash in on a string of large gains last year… among those were 406%and 860%.

Butfor now, let’s focus on the prediction that turned every $1,000 into $41,000…every $5,000 into $205,000.

It’s Like He Has a Direct Line to theFuture

InApril 2016, James issued to Strategic Investment readers this ultimatelyhistoric forecast:

“DonaldTrump will shake up Washington more thoroughly than any president elected in mylifetime or yours...because it’s finally dawned on [voters] that otherwise,their vote possesses in the end, not the slightest positive influence.”

Thatpredication was paired with a recommendation to short the Mexican peso based onthen candidate Trump’s vitriolic rhetoric about Mexicans, Mexico, and NAFTA.

Whatsets this forecast apart, however, is that this specific actionable predictionwas made four months before Trump had even secured the Republican presidentialnomination.

Then, on November 9, themorning after the general election, the peso plunged, and Strategic Investment readers were on their way to one of the year’s top gains…4,100%.

Turning Historical Trends into Big Gains may be

James Dale Davidson’s Most Exceptional Talent

Large returns based oncontrarian forecasts are what readers have come to expect from James DaleDavidson.

That’sbecause he’s credited with being the father of a breakthrough profit generatorcalled…

AsymmetricalInvesting – an analytical model that exploits gaps, groupthink, and arrogancein the markets.

Oras James says, “it’s like contrarian investing on steroids.”

Hehas penned an in-depth report on the ins and outs of Asymmetrical Investing,which I want you to have with our compliments… FREE today.

In it, you’ll gain in-depth insights behindwhy the peso play was just one of many unconventional “bull’s-eyes” that James’breakthrough Asymmetrical Investing model generated for Strategic Investment readers.

But most importantly, you will discover whymost everyone will be looking the wrong way in 2019 and 2020.

Because there is a cataclysmic eventbarreling toward the global economy that will ravage even the strongest… andreward investors who understand how this disruption will rip apart the lazyconventional wisdom.


Because at one time you’vebeen a loyal Strategic Investment reader, James wants to welcome you backinto the fold with an unheard-of offer that includes a prediction so shockingthat it’s potentially worth thousands of dollars… not the pennies per day that you willpay to learn its secret.

A Soft-Opening Bonus for Old Friends

His genius forfarsighted clairvoyance… combined with what may well be his most shockingprediction ever… is why I am so thrilled to introduce myself to you as Strategic Investment’s new publisher.

It is a forecast that could be virtuallycertain to turn your small stake into a significant gain… it has nothing to dowith pot or cryptocurrencies, both of which minted tons of Main Streetmillionaires in the past two years.

Hello, I’m James DiGeorgia, and I amthrilled to welcome James Dale Davidson and you to my family of outstanding financialadvisories.

Our advisories have made more than 4,872%in the past ten years, because we constantly innovate, admit up front when weare wrong, and quickly return to the business of making money. And best of all for your future, we offer all our advisories at affordable prices…

You Can’t Afford to Lose Money

But, most importantly, every advisory Ipublish must adhere to one ideal… it is this: You cannot afford to lose money.

My company’s advisories are cold-bloodedabout exiting positions at the first scent they may be wrong.

Reputation is everything. It’s why I get to pick and choose who I publish.

That unwavering focus is why when one ofPresident Trump’s close press allies and Mar-a-Lago member, Christopher Ruddyfound his investmentnewsletter publications in a rut; he brought me into the inner circle toenergize them.

But after a year, I realized I couldn’t runtwo companies… so I came home. But there was a huge bonus in my time at Newsmax. I got to spend a lot of time with one of its founders and member of its boardof directors… James Dale Davidson.

It turned out we were a perfect fit. It tooka few months of negotiation, but now he’s joined my team, and I couldn’t beprouder.

And, to celebrate this important moment, I’mgoing to make you one of financial publishing’s most fabulous offers ever.

And, it’s an offer I’ll make only to former Strategic Investment readers… no outsiders. That’s why I put you on myPriority A-List.

But, Even as a PriorityA-List former subscriber to Strategic Investment who is aware of James’ near magical forecasting powers, there’s a bold predictionhe made in 1999 that you may have forgotten about.

19 years later, investors are bankingbillions and billions of dollars in winnings because this forecast came true.

A 1999 Forecast That Detailed Exactly WhatBecame a $1 Trillion Fortune-Building Event

In what may be the forecast of a lifetime, JamesDale Davidson not only accurately forecast Bitcoin, he described it down to aT.

And it’s why his readers are cashing intoday on cyber currencies and their underlying blockchain technology.

Here’s what James wrote in his seminal book,The Sovereign Individual– which, by the way, still sellsfor full price on Amazon. Remember, this was in 1999; long before everyone hadan internet connection.

“As cyber commerce begins, it will lead inevitably to cyber money. This new formof money will reset the odds, reducing the capacity of the world’snation-states to determine who becomes a Sovereign Individual. A crucial partof this change will come about because of the effect of information technology on liberating theholders of wealth from expropriation through inflation,

“This new digital form of money is destined to play apivotal role in cyber-commerce. It will consist of encryptedsequences of multi-hundred-digit prime numbers.Unique, anonymous, and verifiable, this money will accommodate the largest transactions. It will also be divisible into the tiniestfraction of value. It will be tradable at a keystroke in amulti-trillion-dollar wholesale market without borders.”

He Never Lost Focus of this World-Shaking Technology, and it’s Why James Dale Davidson’sReaders Made 406% on a Blockchain Play

This is why it came as no surprise when late last year, onNovember 20, James suggested to his followers that they buy a cryptocurrency/blockchainstock of a company called RIOT Blockchain,which was trading at $8.06. During the next month, it quintupled – the bestperforming stock on NASDAQ. By December 20, RIOT closed at $40.75.

That wasn’t his only mega-tend big winner last year. James’followers rode the pot craze to huge gains, as well.

Last Sept. 21, he posted an article called “How to Build aFortune from Plagiarism and Marijuana.” The upshot was to buy shares inScythian Biosciences, a Canadian company developing a cannabinoid-baseddrug treatment for concussion.

Scythian then soared from C$1.50 to asplit-adjusted C$14.40 – an 860% return.

They’ve Stopped Calling Him Crazy Because it Seems Like He’sAlways Right… That Track Record Is a Comfort to Investors

These were two more trades in a 30-yearstring of historic and accurate foresight.

Afterall, in the mid-1980s, James was called crazy for forcefully forecasting theSoviet Union’s collapse.

Everyone“in the know,” thought he was just nuts. James was ridiculed on the Today Show.Newsweek said his forecast was “an unthinking attack on reason.”

Critics, as they often are, were silent when the Soviet Unionwent under.

Trump, the Peso, Bitcoin, and the SovietUnion; the Iranian Revolution, the Great Recession, and the housing collapse arejust some of the important insights and forecasts Strategic Investment has shared with readers at crucial moments… they wereinvestable truths that you couldn’t find in the clueless mainstream media and insightsthat eluded other newsletter writers.

James forecast the collapse of the Japanesestock market, the rise of Islamic terrorism, the balance sheet crisis caused bythe deflation of real estate values.

His forecasts are why James Dale Davidson is a revered globaleconomist. And it’s why he was recently invited to address the FinancialTimes CogX Conference in London.

The invitation came because global financial leaders wantedto hear from a trailblazing economist about the future of cryptocurrencies andblockchain.

Much to their surprise, James Dale Davidson also offered thema forecast… a prediction for 2020… of a massive global disruption that will bean investment and wealth creation event on the lines of Bitcoin, and legalmarijuana.

Everyone is looking in the wrong direction today.

But, the power to clearly see the future is the motivating forcebehind Asymmetrical Investing… contrarian is investing on steroids… and JamesDale Davidson is the world’s sole practitioner…

It’s why his investment ideas generallypayoff so significantly… as with his recent record of 4,100% with the peso,860% with blockchain, and 406% cannabinoids.


And, now you have a chance to put this remarkable mind towork for you.

You’ll Receive $218 in FREE BONUSES When You Reacquaint Yourself With Strategic Investment

Sometimesthe best bet you can make in the markets is to stick with tried and truesuccess… the kind that James Dale Davidson has delivered to tens of thousandsof readers for the past 30 years.

Themarkets are growing soft, interest rates are rising, global trade is suddenlyunreliable… the historic bull is out of gas.


Theyoung financial writers have had a stunning 11-year bull market with which toinflate their reputations. They are not built for rocky times.

ButJames Dale Davidson has experienced all the good and bad the markets can throw…heck, he rightly predicted just about all the good and bad that’s happenedsince 1988.

Strategic Investments Mit

This is why I am thrilled tooffer you an exceptional opportunity to realign yourself with James DaleDavidson and his renowned Strategic Investment newsletter.

Thisoffer is only available to my Strategic Investment A-List of former Strategic Investment readers.

Whenyou accept this extraordinary offer, you’ll also receive immediate access to mysix current Special Reports from my vast wealth-building library.

FREE SPECIAL REPORT #1The Global Mega Shocker: James DaleDavidson’s Direst Warning and How To Cash In On It Now – scary, scary,scary, scary, scary stuff waiting for an idea – A $29 Value… FREE.

FREE SPECIAL REPORT #2The Amazon of Blockchain – How one under-the-radar company could rule the world’s newest,hottest sector. This report digs deep into one of James’ top AsymmetricalInvesting ideas… a hot, young, undiscovered company in a new mega trend. Thisreport details the best way to time your entrance and exit, along with evenmore guidance on when we could expect big wins…and what outside scenarios couldencourage short-term caution – A $19 Value… FREE.

FREE SPECIAL REPORT #3Crypto Babies: Three Tiny Cryptocurrencies Set to Take the World By Storm – Theeasiest way to enjoy the coming blockchain takeover of the financial world isto grab some hefty short-term gains on a basket of up and coming currencies.This report contains the three best crypto younglings out there today. Theseare riskier investments – which cryptocurrencies eventually break out isdifficult to tell. But these are the best bets James has found – and they comewith the enormous upside you find by accepting some increased risk – A $29 Value… FREE.

FREE Special Report #4Serial Killers: 3 Companies on the Verge of Curing Cancer That Could Be Commercialized in the Next 48 Months – Here’s where you’lllearn the identity of three companies with cancer breakthroughs that could notonly save lives but hand investors a 302% profit – A $29 Value… FREE.

FREE SpecialReport #5 LegalPot’s Next Huge Winner – It survived a rough start. Then an investor poured millionsinto it. Now it just brought its first product to marijuana dispensaries acrossCalifornia. But, because of its rocky beginning, no one is looking at thepotentially raging, and low-priced stock – A $19 Value… FREE.

FREE Special Report #6Asymmetrical Investing: Contrarianism On Steroids –A brief history of Asymmetrical Investing, followed by actionable intelligenceon how to apply it to your personal, business, and investing life – A $29Value… FREE.

A Remarkable Offer for Old Friends Only

1.TWELVE MONTHLY ISSUESStrategic Investment will be sent to you electronically by the first of the month.

2.WEEKLY UPDATES – EachThursday, James Dale Davidson will keep you up-to-date on anything you need toknow so you can be sure to make the right moves. The email updates cover a myriadof topics: the market, earnings reports, company updates, along withone-of-a-kind insight on investment opportunities and the global marketplace asonly JDD can bring you.

3.CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS WHENTO SELL – Ifit ever comes time to exit a position, you will receive a comprehensive updatewith the logic behind the sell order...and occasionally, a reason you mightwant to hang on a bit longer.

4.PROMPT, FRIENDLY CUSTOMERSERVICE –Basedin Boca Raton, Florida–on shore, not outsourced– Strategic Investment’ssubscriber customer service is the gold standard in our industry. Our staffs ofknowledgeable professionals are at their desks daily between 8:30 a.m. and 5p.m. EST.

5.IRONCLAD, 100% RISK-FREEMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE -If at any time during your 3-month trial, for any reason youfeel Strategic Investment is not for you, you may cancel for a full refund and keep your 6FREE Bonuses valued at $218.

2018's No-Brainer of theYear!

Few observers of the 20th and 21st centuries have theirfingers so presciently on the pulse of the global political and economicrealignment as does James Dale Davidson.

His bold prediction of disaster on Wall Street in Blood in the Streets wasborne out by Black Tuesday.

Hisensuing bestseller, The Great Reckoning, published justweeks before the coup attempt against Gorbachev, analyzed the pending collapseof the Soviet Union and foretold the civil war in Yugoslavia and other eventsthat have proved to be among the most searing developments of the past fewyears.

In his seminal book, The SovereignIndividual,James predicted in 1999 exactly what Bitcoin wouldbe like and how it’s underlying technology, blockchain, would work!

Every step along his distinguished career,James Dale Davidson and Strategic Investment has led farsightedinvestors to terrific returns.

Butthanks to Strategic Investment and James Dale Davidson’sbreakthrough Asymmetrical Investing method, I am convinced that, depending onhow you allocate your resources, the huge multiples you could earn with Strategic Investment will soon make your subscription fee seem like pocket change.

Best Wishes,
James DiGeorgia
Strategic Investment

Take This Easy Step; Subscribe Now!


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So all you’ll pay is $118.00for 12 months of Strategic Investment – just $9.83 an issue!

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*Past performance is no guarantee of future success. This offer is strictly limited to U.S. residents ONLY.Strategic Investment is published by Gold and Energy Options Trader, LLC.As a publisher of a financial newsletter of general and regular circulation, we cannot tender individual investment advice.Only a registered broker or investment advisor may advise you individually on the suitability and performance of your portfolio or specific investments.All profit examples are hypothetical, assuming that subscribers bought and sold at the time the recommendations were issued. Actual results can and do vary based on day of execution and commission charges. There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past results are not indicative of future returns. Gold and Energy Options Trader and all individuals affiliated with Strategic Investment assume no responsibilities for your trading and investment results.

When you’re creating your investor avatar, you first need to understand that there are basically two types of investors – 1) Financial Investors & 2) Strategic Investors. And you’ll need to respond to each differently.

Strategic Investments

The truth is that not all investors are the same. In fact, some are even better than others, they have an advantage or edge over others simply because of their investment focus. Which one's right for you? Read on… Click to Tweet

Financial Investor:

A Financial Investor is always looking for a return on their capital, not just a return of capital. The reason they’re investing in your business is to MAKE MONEY, not run a charity, not anything else – just to maximize their financial returns, over a specified period of time. And money can be a great motivator for great results!

They look at investments in a different way. They could be looking at the market opportunity, product, traction or track record, team and more importantly exit potential. And it’s the last point – exit potential – which makes it important for them to figure out how they’re going to sell, well before they even buy. Which is also why we stress this when crafting your pitch deck.

A Financial Investor wants to make sure their money is being put to use, so they’ll often take board seats and add value by introducing you to a larger network, or help in terms of strategy, hiring, financials and more importantly industry insights as they work across a portfolio of similar companies. They’re like consultants in that they can work with various companies and gain a mosaic of insight, unlike a focused Strategic Investor.

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Strategic Investor:

A Strategic Investor is a different beast, they’re not just in it for the money, though that is part of the raison d’etre for being a corporate body. They have a more ‘strategic’ point of view to investing, it could be because your business either complements theirs and add value in some way or even be seen as a competition, they’re just willing to buy out.

It may be that they don’t want to spend time building what you did, instead they’d rather use their capital or money in an efficient way, and just buy yours. This accelerates their revenue, growth, market, insight and development roadmap.

They understand the time value of money. And this where we get the “A” from M&A or Mergers and Acquisitions. In fact, Financial Investors may even sell your company to a Strategic Investors.

Strategic Investors may be a bit more forgiving and patient when it comes to growth. They’re not in rush to maximize a return on their investments like a Financial investor. As a business owner, entrepreneur or founder who is selling… you may be given freedom to continue building your business as you have, without much pressure to deliver on the milestones within a quarterly time frame. Sometimes, their strategy could be to simply create synergy between their other companies, and if your company fits the bill, you’re in luck.

So What?

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Well, now that you have an idea of the difference between Strategic Investors as against Financial Investors, you may want to draw up your investor avatar to match what you really want from a deal, be it selling or growing your business.

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